
Wet Brush


For the last few months my hair is easily tangled and is making it a bit of a nightmare when I brush it. I heard about the wet brush last year but I did not take much notice as I was not experiencing tangled hair. So since I am now I went onto amazon and got myself brush for approximately £7 (from what I can remember).

When first looking at the wet brush you do just think its just a normal brush with a brand name on it. Which is true to a certain degree but when I used it I was impressed. The brush was not pulling on my hair as much as my other brush and I  found that it was a lot more 'friendlier'. My tangles do come out a lot more easier and I do not feel that my hair is not getting damaged in the process of brushing my hair. 

I do recommend this brush and it is worth every penny. The wet brush does come in many colours so you do not have to opt for the pink. It also comes in a mini version so you can just pop in your bag and go. 

Hope you enjoyed reading my post :) If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment or drop me and email. 

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