
Fashion Find: H&M Jumper


So this fashion find isn't exactly the most glamorous find, however I thought I'd still post this fashion find as I found the jumper really comfy and warm! I first saw this jumper in mint  and I really liked the colour however I didn't buy it as it was £30, which is pricey in my eyes considering I'm not a jumper fan and I know I wouldn't wear it that much, so I decided to leave it and come back for it if I changed my mind. Good job I did leave it because I found the same jumper in another colour but this time it was on sale!!! It was on for £15, however it did have a few black marks on the jumper (which will come off in the wash) so it got reduced to £12, which is definitely a bargain! 

 I'm actually excited to wear this jumper out considering the weather still isn't looking up! I will post pictures of me wearing this jumper very soon! 

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